Stan’s Heating, Inc General Manager Michael and his wife were excited to be able to attend the Treasure Valley Community College Foundation Scholarship Gala, an annual fundraising event that supports TVCC and goes towards providing student scholarships. The event was unfortunately cancelled due to the pandemic last year, so it was a big deal to have the opportunity to take part this year!
To say the event was a success is an understatement. In fact, we helped raise over $50,000—the most raised by the Gala in recent years! Our team at Stan’s Heating, Inc hasn’t just been providing exceptional HVAC services in Ontario and the surrounding areas for the last 40 years, we’ve been a part of the community. We raise our families, shop, live, and commute in the same areas as you. Our children attend the same schools, and you might just see the technician who repaired your furnace last week in the grocery store the next. That’s why we feel so strongly about pouring back into the community, because we’re bettering the area that both you and our team live in. It’s a feel-good, win-win situation for us all!
Along with our team, other local businesses, organizations, and individuals come together every year to support the TVCC College Foundation. This was the 10th annual Gala, and the fundraising helps TVCC not only provide scholarships for students who want to pursue their academic dreams, but also for things like expansions and renovations for facilities as well as training and education for both students and local workers.
When you call on Stan’s Heating, Inc for service, you’re getting more than just a team that cares about you and your comfort. You’re getting a team that cares about the community they serve!