Finding ways to extend the lifespan of your furnace is an effective way to save yourself a lot of money over the long run. Keeping your heater working at an optimal level is especially important as we draw closer to the winter season. Following a few simple tips can play a key role in boosting the lifespan of your heating system.
1. Change Your Air Filter
One of the easiest ways to lessen the workload for your furnace is to switch out your air filter every few months. A clean air filter enables your heater to work more efficiently, which reduces wear and tear. A new air filter also improves the quality of indoor air in your home.
2. Install a Programmable Thermostat
Another simple way to boost the lifespan of your heating system is to install a programmable thermostat. You can easily set the temperature for your house from any location by using an app on your smartphone. Maintaining a set temperature for at least eight hours in your residence will allow your furnace to operate more efficiently and save you plenty of money.
3. Keep Your Air Vents Open
Many people make the mistake of closing air vents in unused rooms to save energy. However, this actually puts additional stress on your furnace and can eventually lead to more issues for your system. Always double-checking to ensure each vent is open is a good idea.
4. Schedule HVAC Maintenance Services
One simple way to stay proactive is to schedule HVAC maintenance services before the winter season. These professionals can check your unit to ensure everything is working at an optimal level without any potential problems. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re well-prepared for the upcoming winter.
Stan’s Heating, Inc offers heating and cooling services for customers in Ontario, Oregon, and the surrounding area. We understand the importance of providing top-quality furnace repair services at an affordable price. Our team also offers mini-splits and fireplace services. Feel free to give Stan’s Heating, Inc a call today to learn more!